Ontario Hit and Run Motorcycle Accidents
Any motorcycle rider can become the victim of a motorcycle hit-and-run accident. Regardless of the motorcycle riders experience, skill, and training in defensive riding skills, a negligent driver can change the course of the motorcycle rider’s life in an instant. While motorcycle accidents are stressful any time, an accident can be especially difficult in cases involving a hit and run vehicle. If you are a motorcycle rider and have been injured in a car accident caused by a negligent driver who has fled the scene and is never located, you may be wondering whether you have any recourse.
An experienced Ontario motorcycle injury lawyer can help you pursue the insurance coverage you are legally entitled to receive. In many hit-and-run motorcycle accident cases, there may be compensation available through your own motorcycle insurance policy, which provides coverage for unidentified vehicles following a hit-and-run motorcycle accident.
An experienced Ontario motorcycle injury lawyer can help you pursue the insurance coverage you are legally entitled to receive. In many hit-and-run motorcycle accident cases, there may be compensation available through your own motorcycle insurance policy, which provides coverage for unidentified vehicles following a hit-and-run motorcycle accident.
Hit and Run Motorcycle Accidents Critically Injure Riders and PassengersWhile each motorcycle hit-and-run accident is unique, there are some common and recurring elements that motorcycle accident investigators and reconstruction experts encounter. In Ontario, some of the most common elements of hit and run motorcycle accidents include the following:
Drivers under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs; Drivers running red lights; Drivers turning across the path of oncoming motorcycle; Speeding; Hitting a rider attempting to pass a vehicle; Side-swiping a motorcycle; How Can Ontario Motorcycle Accident Lawyer HelpMotorcycle accidents are unique and present special challenges that must be considered and addressed early. Our Ontario motorcycle accident law firm has experience handling motorcycle accident claims.
Following a serious hit and run motorcycle accident you may need to file multiple insurance claims. Accessing the uninsured motorist insurance coverage is complex and there are strict deadlines. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured as the result of a vehicle that fled the accident scene, it is important to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer quickly in order to preserve your rights to compensation. Iacobelli Law Firm PC works hard to protect the rights of those injured in hit and run motorcycle accidents. Contingency Fee Lawyer for Ontario Motorcycle Accident ClaimsWe understand that victims of motorcycle accidents may be facing financial hardship. Our law firm offers contingency fee retainers, so that you pay no fee unless you win. Learn more about No Win - No Fee retainers.
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Contact an Ontario Hit and Run Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
To learn more about your rights following a motorcycle accident in Ontario, contact an Ontario motorcycle injury lawyer today by calling 416-900-1070 or toll free at 1-866-234-6093. We offer prospective clients a free, no obligation, consultation with a personal injury lawyer. Have your questions answered today.